윤시호 @누이 | 55레벨 | 연금술사 | 하리하란
  • 시호 @에안나 | 50레벨 | 저승사자 | 하리하란
    Q. How to get new titles near nicks? (quests? )
    A. Yes, The Receives Title Quset for Craft NPC [푸른소금상회]

    Q. When XLGames switch on sieges on North?
    A. March to May

    Q. and what to do in Archeage now? :D srsly so boring :(
    A. Residential areas expand and add, New item and Balance Skill

    I hope you write Hangul (Korean) XD
    You can also use the translator.
    2013-02-23 14:17
    • Lucky @아란제비아 | 50레벨 | 저승사자 | 누이안
      Thank you a lot!! Good job dude! :)
      2013-02-24 00:22
    • Lucky @아란제비아 | 50레벨 | 저승사자 | 누이안
      one more: how to cancel jail de-buff? I heard about this NPC
      2013-02-24 08:33
    • 시호 @에안나 | 50레벨 | 저승사자 | 하리하란
      Can't that, Should be time-consuming
      2013-02-24 11:24
    • Lucky @아란제비아 | 50레벨 | 저승사자 | 누이안
      sad ;(
      2013-02-25 01:59
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